Friday, April 30, 2010

today at the dance

today is April 30 we are having a spring fling dance. it is gonna be a lot if fun. the whole school is going it is gonna be a lot kids there to. There is going to be a lot of different types of snacks. also, there are going to be a lot of my friends there. I am going to have a great time. i will hang out with Ms. Ilia. She is my favorite para. She is a very nice lady. I consider her to be like my mommy. There is going to be a lot of different music playing. I can't wait to dance!

Monday, April 26, 2010

confused about what to do

This weekend my sister asked me if i wanted to move with her to Maryland. I onshore of what to do, because i love my sister and i am used to seeing my sisters kids. I love them so much. I've been living with them since i was little. I will miss them with all my heart.
I have a life her in New York i have my mom and the rest of my family. Also i have a boyfriend and i really care about him a lot, and i don't want to leave him. Also i cant leave my mom alone.

Monday, April 19, 2010

my boring weekend watching sunny with a chance

    This weekend i stayed home and slepted in my house. I watched a show called sunny with a chance. It is about a group of teenagrs on a t.v show. They get kicked off the show and they have to go to high school.  But the only school that they know about is the musical one. So they started to sing in the lunch room there high school that they went to.  But it was really a dream. They dreamt that they got kicked off the show. Then my boyfriend came over to my house and watched it with me it was a lot of fun.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A place i would like to vacation at

If there were somewhere i wanted to go it would be to Barbados. It is a very exotic place. The water is clean and it looks beautiful. The water is blue. You can see the fish swimming through the water thats how clean the water is. If i had a chance to go there for vacation i would take it. I would love to go swimming in an exotic place like that. It would be a beautiful experience. I would also have a great time there. I could also meet new people. I could also learn about a new culture. It would be a very interesting experience for me.

what loves about!!

Love is beautiful.
Love is a spiritual passion.
Love is a feeling that you feel
For someone you care about.
Love is only something you
Feel inside your heart.
Its just a passionate feeling
That two people can feel for
Each other thats what love is!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the worst vacation ever

I had the worst vacation ever, because i had to go to the hospital. Because everything i ate i throw it up. That's how sick i was. I Barley could move that's how much pain i was in. Then the doctor told me to get some rest so that's what i did and i started feeling a little better. So then i ate some soup because my stomach was to weak to eat anything else. Then i got a lot better and i was able to do thing normally again.