Monday, November 29, 2010

My reportcard

When i got my report card I was happy. I didn't expect to do so well. I thought i was going to fail every class. But, come to find out i only failed 2 classes. They were consumer math and gym. I was disappointed when i found out that i failed gym because i have usually been playing gym lately. So, i thought that i was going to pass gym but i guess i was wrong; i failed. I was happy with my grades that I've gotten so far, but i hope to get higher grades next term.


I can earn better grades by staying in class and trying to do my best to do my work. Also I can work on any subjects that i have trouble in. I have trouble in consumer math so i asked the teacher if he can put it in a way where i can understand it more and he did. Now i understand it a little more then i used to. It is actually kind of interesting. Consumer math has to do with stocks and money. You have to really be focused to do well.

Friday, November 5, 2010

What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?

What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?

If i had the ability to fly whenever i wanted i would choose to fly to any tropical island, so that i could forget about anything and everything and just relax and forget about anything and everyone that ever hurt me. Then i wouldn't have to worrie about anything else. I would just be having the time of my life and thinking about my self